Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tea and a movie

Now some of you may say, "does this really have anything to do with tea" and my answer to this is, "yes, yes it does."

Here are my convincing reasons as to why.

A. It is called the DARJEELINGlimited. What is Darjeeling? oh, it is a type of TEA... Now you might say when they named the movie they probably weren't thinking about the tea but the train they are on in it, which is called the Darjeeling limited...this is probably true... But I bet when the train was named they were thinking about the tea, or more the place where the tea is grown but really, same thing... so in a round about way this movie is in fact named after tea.

B. Through out the movie they are continuously asked if they would like some tea. So they drank a lot of tea throughout this movie. You might say tea was the fourth main character. The three brothers and their cups of tea.

C. This movie is as wonderful, magical, beautiful, quirky and as sweet as every other Wes Anderson movie. What else is wonderful, magical, beautiful, quirky and sweet? Yep, TEA!

I think those are more then enough reasons to show how much the Darjeeling limited has to do with tea.
So go get your favorite cup of tea and sneak it into the movie theatre and see "The Darjeeling Limited" you will be happy if you do and probably be a more peaceful person for the rest of your life. So I would suggest doing it.

...also... well you are at the theatre breaking rules by bringing in a cup of tea you might as well break another rule and sneak into another movie and see "Into the Wild" too... This really has nothing to do with tea... there is no tea... the main character, or any other character are never shown drinking tea...but...i'm sure at one point in their lives they did... so go see it! It really is so good.

Tea of the moment: Vanilla Cream naturally flavored black tea loose leaf


Casey said...
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Casey said...

here is a man who clearly loved him some tea:


Casey said...

and imagine tea with HER!:


Anonymous said...

the darjeeling teapot by jonathan adler:
and the darjeeling mug:

another tea and a movie suggestion: tea with mussolini. do i know anything about tea with mussolini, no. but with cher, judi dench, maggie smith, lili tomlin, and the actress who played mrs. wilson in dennis the menace, it has to be great. (rotten tomatoes gave it a 67%)